Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mallin' it.

Hi strangers.

I've come to the conclusion that my new lungs are yesterday's news. :) I haven't had any comments in forever!!! Are you guys still reading this? Or should I give it up!?? lol Oh well. It gives me something to do whether you guys read or not! :)


Today I had P.T. I walked on the treadmill for about 25 mins before Rich (the P.T.) stopped me b/c I was limping a little too much. The ankle is still giving me issues. It hurts when I put weight on it and walk. So, after the treadmill, he fitted me for an arch support thingy and put it in my shoe on that foot. I hope it helps. B/c I'm getting tired of hurting when I walk. He said it was probably a result of my broken knee trying to overcompensate. B/c I'm not used to being so active and now post transplant b/c I'm walking so much more, and the way my left leg and foot don't line up exactly straight, its causing me pain in the ankle region. Hopefully, when I get used to the arch support thingy, it will fix the pain issue.

Yesterday we went out to the drug store so I could pick up some of my pills. Then Mom wanted to get her hair done so we went to University Mall and she went to a salon there. Well b/c she walked in wihtout an appointment she had to wait a lil' while. She was in there for over 2 fricken' hours. So, I bounced! Left her there and went exploring the mall alone. Boy, that was a lot of walking. My ankle was killing me by the time we left and my legs were soooooo tired. But, it felt very liberating to go walking and shopping on my own, sans O2, sans gasping for breath and having to rest every couple minutes. I felt so Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! And happy.

While I was there, I spent money. :-( Dammit. I'm so weak. lol  I bought a book to read and a book to send to Luke. Also, I got a cute water bottle and a pack of blank cd's so I can transfer some pics from my computer to get developed so I can start my scrapbook. I might have bought something else, but I can't remember for sure. lol

Last night I went out to dinner with Stephenie. We ate at Elmo's diner. It was the 2nd time I've been there. It was pretty tasty. Then we went to TCBY and got some yogurt! Mmmmmm. We're going out again probably Thursday. This is her last week staying in Durham for work. Friday I have plans to go to dinner with Ann and her husband Alex. I love being able to go out so much and actually have the breath and energy to have a good time!! Thank you donor and donor family!

Tonight I have support group at 6pm. So i plan on resting the rest of the day. I may play my Wii a little bit. Now that I'm off sternum precautions! I'm ready to bowl and play some pool! My Mom is going home on Saturday. Woo hoo! Mom free weekend! My brother Bo is coming up to stay with me Saturday night. We'll probably go out somewhere to eat and a movie or something. Who knows!

I'm off! Hope everyone is having a great week so far!


BreathinSteven said...

So, that lousy Bree is taking all of your comments -- like you're old news or something...

You're not old news... You're still new news, and good news, and happy news...

These first days and weeks and months are totally amazing, Meghann... And it's a whole world of new feelings -- sore muscles and joints because you're using the damn things -- and that feeling of awe now and then when you realize that you're not gasping for breath... That you're not struggling with things you were struggling with not so many weeks ago...

I'm proud of you and all you're doing... I'm glad you got your blowers and I'm glad they're working. I'm glad you're alive.

Love, Steve

Unknown said...

I'm still reading! I hope the foot support helps! Foot orthotics definitely helped me!


Meghann "Former Queen of the O2 People" said...

Thanks y'all! :) You're so right Steve, I'm still so much in awe and amazed by everything that's happened and still happening!

Bree said...

I'm sorry for being such a terrible bitch and stealing your thunder. But don't u forget for the longest time u stole my thunder and since the plan all along was to get our tx's together....u must take the good with the bad.

I understand what u mean about the shopping. I bought a brand new purse that i don't need today. UGH!