What's up bitches?
Happy 10 month Lungviversary to meee...Happy 10 month lungiversary to Meeee, Happy 10 months to meeee, Happy 10 months to me! :) Yay! "It's a celebration, bitches!" as Dave Chapelle would say! let's see, what all has happened lately that I need to give y'all an update on....
Well, first of all, while staying over at Lori Beth's a week or so ago...I played basketball for the first time in 17 years. I mean it wasn't like a real game of basketball complete with dribbling and blocking, and fouls, etc. We just played a game of P.I.G. But, I played and actually made my very first basket on my first try. I made a few more along the way but ultimately lost the game. LOL oh well, it's the participation that counts right. Unfortunately, we played at like 10 pm. I was so sore by the time I laid down to go to sleep that night, I couldn't sleep all night. I guess I wasn't used to using those muscles since I hadn't in a long time. I had to get up at 5:30 am and take tylenol before i could fall asleep! But, it was worth it!
This past Friday, I had clinic again. B/c they wanted to keep an eye on this fever that I had the week before. Clinic went well. The fluid in my lung was gone. YAY. And my chest x ray looked the best yet. YAY! AND, my PFT's were the best yet. MY FEV1 finally went past 60%% I know its not a lot, but it's another milestone for me. I'm proud of that 1% extra! :)
Jenn had her 2nd wedding shower this past Saturday at her parent's house in Thomasville. It was good, and she got a lot more of nice stuff from her registry! I'm so jealous, I want new stuff! :) Hehe. Just kidding, couldn't be more happier for her. She's going to look so beautiful on her special day! Hmmm, what else...
Last night around 6:30 I had another milestone. I drove up to Greensboro to meet up with Monica and Mike's good friend Cheryl at the RUSH gym as her guest. And...I SWAM! I mean for REAL swam. Not the kind I used to do before my transplant (walking around in the pool attached to an 02 tank), but actually SWAM. For the first time in 17 years. It was so freeing. And awesome. And a little difficult. LOL I realized that I'm going to have to relearn how to breathe in the water before I can do Freestyle or Butterfly again. But, I did like 4 laps of Breaststroke. It was so wonderful. But, like playing basketball, those muscles used to swim haven't been used like that in a long time, so I was super sore last night when I went to sleep. And I'm still sore today, just not as bad. Also, I ended up joining the gym so I can go and swim whenever I want. And work out there too, if I grow the balls to work out in front of people :) I figure, if I'm able to make it up there 2 days a week, plus still going to P.T. here in town 2 days a week. That will be a good start with 4 days a week working out. Hopefully I'll lose some weight and get into shape! Plus it will be fun to have someone to work out with. We both like to whine and complain! lol
Today, they called me from the hardware store (where I got my shirt made) and told me it was ready to be picked up. (FINALLY) So, my brother and I went up there and I picked it up. Then we went by the joblink center and looked at some jobs. I was thinking about maybe getting a part time job, but I'm not sure yet.
I go back to Chapel Hill for clinic again on Friday. I hope my FEV1 is even higher! *fingers and toes crossed*
Anyway, I have to pee (thanks lasix) and I'm going to sleepies. Been a great, wonderful but long day! Thank you Ms. Donor, (and family) for my precious gift. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Happy 10 month Lungviversary to meee...Happy 10 month lungiversary to Meeee, Happy 10 months to meeee, Happy 10 months to me! :) Yay! "It's a celebration, bitches!" as Dave Chapelle would say! let's see, what all has happened lately that I need to give y'all an update on....
Well, first of all, while staying over at Lori Beth's a week or so ago...I played basketball for the first time in 17 years. I mean it wasn't like a real game of basketball complete with dribbling and blocking, and fouls, etc. We just played a game of P.I.G. But, I played and actually made my very first basket on my first try. I made a few more along the way but ultimately lost the game. LOL oh well, it's the participation that counts right. Unfortunately, we played at like 10 pm. I was so sore by the time I laid down to go to sleep that night, I couldn't sleep all night. I guess I wasn't used to using those muscles since I hadn't in a long time. I had to get up at 5:30 am and take tylenol before i could fall asleep! But, it was worth it!
This past Friday, I had clinic again. B/c they wanted to keep an eye on this fever that I had the week before. Clinic went well. The fluid in my lung was gone. YAY. And my chest x ray looked the best yet. YAY! AND, my PFT's were the best yet. MY FEV1 finally went past 60%% I know its not a lot, but it's another milestone for me. I'm proud of that 1% extra! :)
Jenn had her 2nd wedding shower this past Saturday at her parent's house in Thomasville. It was good, and she got a lot more of nice stuff from her registry! I'm so jealous, I want new stuff! :) Hehe. Just kidding, couldn't be more happier for her. She's going to look so beautiful on her special day! Hmmm, what else...
Last night around 6:30 I had another milestone. I drove up to Greensboro to meet up with Monica and Mike's good friend Cheryl at the RUSH gym as her guest. And...I SWAM! I mean for REAL swam. Not the kind I used to do before my transplant (walking around in the pool attached to an 02 tank), but actually SWAM. For the first time in 17 years. It was so freeing. And awesome. And a little difficult. LOL I realized that I'm going to have to relearn how to breathe in the water before I can do Freestyle or Butterfly again. But, I did like 4 laps of Breaststroke. It was so wonderful. But, like playing basketball, those muscles used to swim haven't been used like that in a long time, so I was super sore last night when I went to sleep. And I'm still sore today, just not as bad. Also, I ended up joining the gym so I can go and swim whenever I want. And work out there too, if I grow the balls to work out in front of people :) I figure, if I'm able to make it up there 2 days a week, plus still going to P.T. here in town 2 days a week. That will be a good start with 4 days a week working out. Hopefully I'll lose some weight and get into shape! Plus it will be fun to have someone to work out with. We both like to whine and complain! lol
Today, they called me from the hardware store (where I got my shirt made) and told me it was ready to be picked up. (FINALLY) So, my brother and I went up there and I picked it up. Then we went by the joblink center and looked at some jobs. I was thinking about maybe getting a part time job, but I'm not sure yet.
I go back to Chapel Hill for clinic again on Friday. I hope my FEV1 is even higher! *fingers and toes crossed*
Anyway, I have to pee (thanks lasix) and I'm going to sleepies. Been a great, wonderful but long day! Thank you Ms. Donor, (and family) for my precious gift. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!